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Get Your Act Together: 30-Day Accountability Journal 

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Inspiration for the Accountability Journal:

The intent of this journal is to help individuals in their daily walk toward being a Christ-centered person and in hearing the Holy Spirit when working in the realm of a person’s soul wounds. This journal came about after my relationship ended with the woman whom I thought I would marry. I was shown that the lack of accountability and working in one’s divided heart can destroy a wonderful plan that God has for two individuals to come together in unity. Also, throughout my 20 years of practice in social services and my experience in the Body of Christ, I have seen how the lack of accountability, as well as pride and fear, keep people from realizing their true value for the Kingdom of God. Thus, this journal is relevant for others during this time in history in which we see a lack of accountability each day — and a continuous drift away from loving one another. 


We are living in a time when relationships and marriages are being destroyed. The divorce rate is at an all time high of 61%, and few take the marriage covenant that they make with God seriously anymore. We have become so immersed in technology that heart-to-heart communication seems like a thing of the past.

The point of this journal is to start taking an inventory of yourself — your thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and attitudes toward yourself and others. It is designed to move you toward Christ and others on a daily basis. It is designed to bring more love and joy into your life and to enhance your relationships and human connections. This journal is not about beating yourself up or about striving for perfection. This journal is about listening to the Voice of the Holy Spirit so that you love yourself and others more on a daily basis. It is to help you face your deepest personal fears and to do the emotional soul-wound work that you need to get yourself out of the way of the Spirit’s direction in your life.

About the author:

Jeff Tierney is an ex-new ager with a background in social services and transpersonal/parapsychology. He lives and works in Omaha, Nebraska, where he enjoys reading Scripture, praying, nutrition and supplements, exercise, helping others, making positive, witty t-shirts, Huskers Football, 1:1 accountability coaching, growing closer to Christ, and random tomfoolery.

"This book is an excellent guide and starting point to prompt personal reflection and self-inventory to build one’s integrity and character towards the development of accountability in life and relationships. Use the questions in the front of the book to give careful consideration of one’s ways. You are in charge of your own growth and this book lays the tracks on which you can build a solid foundation."


"This book definitely makes me stop and think about the things in my life I need accountability. I am a mom of two, wife, and professor, so it was refreshing to be able to work on the book and it not be time consuming. This book has definitely helped me all around."

--Jessica H.

"This spiritual guide allows you to reflect and be accountable for your actions. I like the Holy Bible inspirational passages that Mr. Tierney adds throughout the book. This book helps to guide you to being the best you that you can be."

--Chance L.

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