Let Your Word Be Your Word

Inspiration for Let Your Word Be Your Word:
Not Listening to the Voice of God can have consequences if we do not follow through for ourselves and others:
“I can no longer rely on my own wisdom or strength, nor do I want to do so. I must rely on God’s plan and wisdom daily, moment by moment, to carry me through daily life. I am seeking to walk side by side with God daily. I seek obedience in every area of my life and partnering with God while executing my day.
Being obedient to the Trinity may mean being called to help others in the Kingdom of God. When we do not act on this, there can be a ripple effect of slowing down others on their walk with God. I want to be clear that we all need to learn skills and become self-sufficient, but as a church, we all need to build one another up, help, and learn the necessary skills to live out our Book of Life purpose to successfully advance Jesus’s Kingdom on this earth.”