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Tell People You Love Them on a Daily Basis:


My blog for this week is quite short on accountability. If you haven’t told someone you love them in a long time, do so. Time is very precious on earth, especially in these times. Get out of pride. Work on bitterness and tell those that are important to you that you love them.

I don’t listen to a lot of mainstream music any longer, but I am reminded of Mumford and Sons Lover of the Light song, specifically, the following lyrics:

In the middle of the night, I may watch you go.

There’ll be no value in the strength of walls that I have grown. There’ll be no comfort in the shade of the shadows thrown. But I'd be yours if you'd be mine

Stretch out my life and pick the seams out

Take what you like, but close my ears and eyes

Watch me stumble over and over

I have done wrong, you build your tower

But call me home and I will build a throne

And wash my eyes out never again

But love the one you hold

And I'll be your goal

To have and to hold

A lover of the light

Skin too tight and eyes like marbles

You spin me high, so watch me as I glide

Before I tumble homeward, homeward

I know I tried, I was not stable

Flawed by pride, I miss my sanguine eyes

So hold my hands up, breathe in and breathe out

So love the one you hold

And I'll be your goal

To have and to hold

A lover of the lightly

And in the middle of the night, I may watch you go

There'll be no value in the strength of walls that I have grown

There'll be no comfort in the shade of the shadows thrown

You may not trust the promises of the change I'll show

But I'd be yours if you'd be mine

So love the one you hold

And I will be your goal

To have and to hold

A lover of the light

So love the one you hold

And I will be your goal

To have and to hold

A lover of the light

About a month ago, LaRette had made an interesting point about something she had read or a podcast she had heard where the gospel tale was given where Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding, and the best wine was brought out at the very end. The person’s point was at the beginning of the relationship or marriage, we bring our very best, but at the end, things dry up. It should be the opposite. We need to be pouring out our best love everyday, and to me, our love should grow stronger toward those we love each day, not the opposite. This takes great courage and work with the Holy Spirit to prune our divided hearts. Ask the Holy Spirit to let your love shine daily toward those you love. Ask for the walls to be torn down so you can love those in your love with the Light of Jesus.

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