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Level Up to God's Word: Getting Out of The Halls of Ignorance!


As I have reflected this week and listened to a lot of close friends in things that they have been dealing with in their personal lives, the following scripture has come to me: “But know this, that in the last days [a]perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!””

One has to be completely in a deep slumber to not be aware that this is what is happening everywhere in the world as we speak. Over the past two weeks, I have listened to close friends who have others who have demonstrated this unloving and unkind behavior toward them. I have to admit to myself, I get burnt out by the dysfunction on this planet and the individuals running it. That is why I need quiet, prayer, and being in the Word daily to sustain the type of deception and evil that is currently running rampant in today’s society.

However, with this being said, we run the risk of becoming judgmental and bitter when we don’t see through Jesus’s eyes and work with the Holy Spirit in prayer on how to deal with such evil and spiritual warfare.

The first step to me is that we first must become accountable with ourselves. With this scripture, we must become self-aware and repent for these types of unloving behaviors that we are doing toward others with the help of the Holy Spirit. We do this by being in the Word, seeking professional help from a pastor, counselor, or whoever will get us out of the darkness. We have to stop the sin in order to be free. We have to be willing to be able to accept constructive feedback from those who love us so we can walk closer to Jesus and in closer intimacy and love with those we love. Otherwise, we continue to isolate and push those we love away. This isn’t easy to do. Sometimes the demonic and satan wanting us sitting in sin because if we left that comfort zone, we would become the people that would truly represent God’s kingdom. I get this. I have been there. I have had my struggles. I am still overcoming them. However, we must remain vigilant. When we have pure, Godly people challenging us to leave old patterns behind and sewing love into us, it raises the bar for us to match them where they are, and reminds us to stop our sin. It reminds us that God placed these friends, wives, husbands, or companions into our lives as gifts, and that we need to get accountable so we don’t push the gifts out of our lives.

There is such an anti-life or anti-christ spirit in this world in every institution on this planet right now. If you cannot see the agenda, then I would simply suggest for you to sit down and ask for that agenda to be revealed to you by the Holy Spirit. Due to being deeply involved in the occult, I get the agenda that is being played out. However, I have to spend my time now spreading the good news. If not, I get agitated and upset of the evil that is being done. However, from my experiences, I will say that we must stand up and stop engaging in institutions and things that will cause PRE-MATURE DEATH for every christian and take a christian off this earth prematurely before God’s appointed time. That isn’t God’s fault. That’s our fault for feeding into a false system or satanic system where you are being deceived. I see more and more christians not paying attention to God’s Word, not understanding it, or going against it, myself included, and wonder why we are ending up with jacked up results in the end. Pay attention. Stop being deceived by the things of this world and ask for discernment and Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding in the name of Jesus.

For this week, I want you to make a list based on the Timothy scripture of where you might be off and having UnGodly behavior rule your life, and how it is causing strife in every area of your life. I would also like you to ask for where deception is causing problems in your life: The foods you eat, the medicines you take, the music you listen to, the programs and news you consume, as well as tv, movies, etc, books you read. Ask for wisdom on things. We are to be set apart from this world so we can carry out Jesus mission. More, now than ever, we need to be helping others heal and showing others their values. We spend so much time wasting it on things of this world that do not matter. I encourage you to go deeply with the Holy Spirit for healing this week. In Jesus Name.

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