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Adjusting our belief systems:

This week I had the thought to think about taking every thought captive and giving it to Christ. I thought a lot about how Satan’s world and the architects who carry out his plans run everything on fear and separation. This creates a very low bearing fruit thought system. I was really challenged by my pastor last week to take Prover 16:23-24 to heart. “The heart of the wise teaches of his mouth, and adds learning to his lips. Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweeteners to the soul and health to the bones.”

I began to ponder how overwhelmed and agitated I can feel within a day of listening to call after call of wickedness and evil that goes on in the world.

With current staffing issues of where I am currently working, it hit me that when I lower myself into a thought system of anger, that this is what Satan wants. There was so much clarity presented before me. Satan wants us frazzled and constantly in a state of fear, panic, anxiety, and anger all of the time. To be hanging out in the soul realm and not in the Spirit. It occurred to me that it is so easy to get out of walking in the Spirit because of the way the world operates. What we speak truly matters, and can only manifest more of it if we continue to feed into that reality.

I am not saying ignore problems like the new age teaches or to not take some sort of action. I came from that background and that is a false narrative. But we do have to really be mindful of the power of the tongue, and take accountability in what we chose to speak. Life or Death.

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