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The Joy of the Lord is My Strength


Today, we will be looking at question 13, “What stops you from taking time to rest quietly with God everyday? For myself, quiet time is so important in the world we are living in and the job I engage in on a daily basis.

If I do not get my quiet time in prayer and the Word, I often feel agitated and restless. I have also noticed that there are times when I have been in fear where I so hyper focused on getting tasks of my daily life and book of life purpose completed that I fail to ask the Lord if I should be doing those things or not. To be more specific, I like my routine. I feel that the Lord has asked me to accomplish certain things for Him, and in order to be successful, I need to have these things be a part of my daily routine to be successful, and to keep me balanced.

However, sometimes, we can become too caught up in the process and lose sight of the overall long-term goal with God and where He is wanting us to go. The day by day process of quiet time and resting with Him.

Lately, I have had to empty my mind when coming to sit before the Lord, giving all of my cares and worries to Him before entering prayer so my mind is not reviewing things of what need to be done. I can just sit in the presence of God, in Love, and let Him Love on me. We live in a world with constant distraction where it is hard to pull the plug of Lucifer’s/Man’s system. Anymore if we are to live and walk in the Spirit, we have to learn to pull the plug from the world and those around us, and focus on our relationship with God, in silence and just rest quietly with Him.

I had started to notice a pattern for myself that I was so exhausted from my job that I had stopped coming to God to rest or make excuses as to why I couldn’t be in the Word. This went on for about a month or so, until finally I had to realize that I was starting to break through and destroy strongholds in my life, and that the enemy was coming against me.

Sometimes we have to walk by faith and in God’s word during these times, even if we cannot see any type of progress or feel it. We simply sink in and commune with our Heavenly Father in Love. No striving or figuring things out. Just simply being and resting.

In closing, what is stopping you from just fully resting each day with the Lord? What if you committed yourself to setting your timer and starting with just 5 simple minutes of soaking and resting? How could your life change? I have found that a good Bible Verse to meditate on for this is Nehemiah 8:10: “The joy of the Lord is my strength.”

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