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Accountability: Thoughts on Good Friday


As I reflect over the past several years after coming back Jesus Christ after being involved in the new age and occult, I feel nothing but grateful on Good Friday for what Jesus has done for me to bring my life back from the dead.

Jesus has used my pastor and some other important relationships along the way to make me into the man of God that I am supposed to be. As I reflect over the past year, I feel grateful to the role that my supervisor has played in my life as well. The nature of the work that I deal with is evil. However, I realize that I had lost the ability to see situations with Jesus’s love and compassion. My supervisor had helped get me back on this path, as well as my previous partner who I dated for a short time.

For some of the things I have seen, I have a hard time dealing with evil currently. I have seen the body of Christ fold in so many ways over the past two years that it grieves me. I have seen so many people deceived to Covid and a harmful substance put in their bodies. Many credible people had gag orders put over them when they told the truth about what the initial substance would do when injected into their bodies, yet many Christians were still deceived instead of feeding themselves with the Word of God and listening to the Holy Spirit. This is another topic for another time.

Today, we celebrate Jesus laying down His life for our sins, our greed, our pride, our lack of love for one another. Over the past month, I have had a very special friend having the Lord work through them to show me parts of myself that I thought I had healed and I didn’t. I have felt nothing but blessed and humbled, and I can see for the last year or so where the Lord has wanted to take me and use me, but I can see where Satan has wanted to keep me trapped. I can see where bitterness and rage has been trapped, yet through gentleness and love, the Holy Spirit has worked through this individual to take me deep into Christ’s presence on a very deep biblical level for profound transformation of the heart and mind.

Today, we need accountability more than ever. As Dr. Kevin Zadai states, we “need to turn ourselves into Jesus in every area of our lives.” To me, this means on a spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, financial level, or any other level. There is nothing I want kept hidden from Jesus any longer. I completely want to be in compliance with the Lord. To be in repentance. To listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. To be centered in the Word. To walk in the Spirit as Paul instructs.

As I was coming out of sleep this morning, the following Bible verse came to my mind. Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” I knew what was being communicated to me through this verse this morning. One, it was pointed to me with some sin in my own life that I was still being tempted with that I need to cut the head off the snake with. Two, I still feel that the wheat is started to be separated from the chaff. Christians are either going to start to really wake up and take a stand and Be a Light and the Salt of the Earth in this time, or they are going to continue to be brainwashed in the circus that is going on in every institution that Satan has hijacked on this planet, and that includes the government. People have to a basic understanding and pray to be shown the truth and to pray for wisdom and understanding of what is truly happening. We are at a time where we need to shine and to stand for truth, even if it is hard. This is the Body of Christ’s job.

So today, take private time to take an inventory of where you are at in your walk with Jesus. As what areas of sin you need to repent from. Pray for wisdom and understanding of how you can be the Salt of the Earth for the Kingdom of God in these end days. Thank Jesus for his purchasing of you through the redemptive power of his blood. I truly reflect the mess I was in, how I could not function and where He brought me to today. I am a walking miracle because of Him and I owe everything to Him. I am so grateful to all of the people who have challenged me on “my Sheldon like parts” over the past year. I am learning and growing. That’s all I have to say for myself today. The Lord is Risen and He has defeated the kingdom of darkness!

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